Losing a pet is an emotional experience that feels no less than saying goodbye to a family member. At Peaceful Paws, we understand the deep bond you share with your pets and the grief that accompanies their departure. We are here to provide you with the most compassionate services to make this difficult journey as smooth and respectful as possible. You likely have many questions about pet cremation—what it involves, how to arrange it, and what choices are at your disposal. We aim to answer these pressing questions and offer an in-depth look into our specific services to help guide you through this painful chapter.

What is Pet Cremation?

Pet cremation is a delicate process that respectfully transforms your beloved pet’s physical presence into cherished ashes, which can be kept or scattered as you see fit. At Peaceful Paws, we only offer individual cremations to ensure that the final resting place of your pet is honoured with the utmost dignity.

How Do You Arrange a Pet Cremation?

Arranging this final farewell for your pet at Peaceful Paws is an uncomplicated process, designed to be as straightforward as possible during a stressful and emotional time. You can reach out to us by phone at  087-3577735 or via our website www.peacefulpaws.ie to make an appointment. If transportation is a concern, we offer a collection service from your home or veterinary practice in Counties Ennis, Galway, and Limerick. Our services extend across the Midwest and all of Ireland, making it accessible for families far and wide.

Is Pet Cremation Available in Ireland?

Yes, pet cremation is a service legally provided in Ireland, and Peaceful Paws is honoured to be a part of this sensitive aspect of pet care. We uphold the highest ethical standards to ensure your pet’s memory is respected in the most dignified manner.

What is the Cost for Pet Cremation in Ireland?

The expense of pet cremation can differ based on the specific services and memorial items you choose. We invite you to contact us for a bespoke price that aligns with your needs and budget.

Our Comprehensive Suite of Additional Services

To further support you during this emotional time, Peaceful Paws offers a range of additional services:

  • Farewell Room: A serene and private space for you to say your last goodbyes to your pet.
  • Wooden Caskets: A dignified resting place for your pet, available for the cremation process.
  • Biodegradable Scatter Tubes: Specifically designed tubes for those who wish to scatter (or bury) their pet’s ashes in a special, meaningful place.
  • Personalised Tribute Boxes: A customised box to store mementos that keep your pet’s spirit alive in your heart.
  • Selection of Urns: Choose from an array of urns to find one that most fittingly commemorates your pet.
  • Swift Turnaround: We guarantee a 2 to 3-day turnaround for all pet cremations to help ease the emotional burden of prolonged waiting.

Emotional and Community Support

Beyond the tangible services, Peaceful Paws aims to serve as a supportive community. We offer resources on pet grief counselling and have partnerships with therapists specialising in this sensitive area.

Flexibility Suited to Your Needs

We understand that everyone’s emotional journey and schedule differ, particularly during a time of loss. For this reason, we offer flexible service hours and convenient collection options.

How to Contact Peaceful Paws

Centrally located in Ennis, Co. Clare, Peaceful Paws is committed to offering you not just a service but a sanctuary of understanding, dignity, and peace during this challenging period.

For more information, additional questions, or to schedule an appointment, you’re always welcome to contact us at 087-3577735 or via our website www.peacefulpaws.ie 

We are here for you—every step of the way.

Thank you for entrusting Peaceful Paws with the dignified and respectful care of your irreplaceable companion. We are dedicated to supporting you through this difficult journey.

Aimee Keller, Peaceful Paws Pet Crematorium.